KE – Technologies (PTY) LTD

KE – Technologies (PTY) LTD
Business Genre
Short Business Description
KE - Technologies is a distributer of spare parts, software and hardware for the following brands as well has other brands. We can supply you with sales, new and refurbished units including accessories and providing you with support and repairs.
Long Business Description

We are a distributer of spare parts, software and hardware for the following brands as well has other brands. We can supply you with sales, new and refurbished units including accessories and providing you with support and repairs around Durban, Johannesburg, Capetown and this includes surrounding areas.




Data Logic


All Brands in I.T

Solar Solutions

I have more than 8 years experience in the industry and a good knowledge in mobility, printing, integration into clients software, I.T services and Solar solutions as well as repairs.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
26 Brookdale Road Durban KZN

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