7 Ways NetTrace Asset Management Boosts Your Bottom Line

As businesses evolve, so do their needs, and we’re excited to share with you how NetTrace Asset Management services can be a game-changer for your organisation, enabling significant cost savings through meticulous asset oversight.


  1. Prevent Costly Problems with Real-time Asset Visibility:

By having a comprehensive view of the location, condition, and custodian of your assets, you can proactively avoid expensive issues, such as duplicate purchases, last-minute maintenance needs, and instances of misplaced assets.

  1. Enhance Accountability and Efficiency Anytime, Anywhere:

Provide your team with 24/7 access to detailed asset data, fostering accountability and efficiency. NetTrace ensures that employees can track valuable company assets regardless of their physical location, streamlining the workflow and improving overall productivity.

  1. Optimise Planning and Organisation:

Efficient asset management facilitates better planning and organization within your company. This not only makes employees more accountable but also enhances overall workflow and productivity, reducing losses in the event of natural disasters and curbing employee theft.

  1. Boost Check-in/Check-out Process:

NetTrace simplifies the check-in/check-out process, making it easier to hold employees accountable for asset usage. This reduces the likelihood of assets being misplaced or not returned on time, contributing to a more streamlined workflow.

  1. Identify and Mitigate Risks:

Track assets over their entire lifecycle to identify potential risks, such as underperformance, non-usage, or frequent breakdowns. This enables informed financial decisions on whether an asset is beneficial or detrimental to your organisation.

  1. Eliminate Spreadsheet Hassles:

Move beyond the limitations of spreadsheets and legacy software. NetTrace ensures data integrity through seamless integrations, highlighting data discrepancies, and providing a secure platform for asset management, preventing compromises and errors.

  1. Streamline Audits and Enhance Data Accuracy:

NetTrace’s NAMSCAN App enables regular in-house audits, ensuring accurate and up-to-date data for your Fixed Asset Register. This streamlines audit processes, reduces manual intervention, and prevents re-audits, saving both time and resources.

NetTrace Asset Management offers a comprehensive solution that not only saves you money but also enhances efficiency and accountability across your organisation.

Make informed decisions, eliminate unnecessary expenses, and streamline your asset management processes with NetTrace.

Contact us at cloudsales@mustek.co.za for to schedule a product discussion and demo.